Creative Brand Consultant
27-31 October 2025
Black Introvert Week UK
Black Introvert Week UK falls on the final week of Black History Month and seeks to give voice to one of the country’s most misunderstood communities.
#BlackIntrovertWeekUK #BIWUK25

What to expect
Running in the last week in October every year, the campaign focuses on empowering organisations and educational institutions to think in greater depth about the personality diversity and intersectionality of Black employees and students through panel discussions, thought leadership and social campaigns.
Use the panel at the foot of this page to get you and your teams Black Introvert Week ready
Why is this needed?
Research suggests that extroverts achieve a higher earning potential than their introverted colleagues, are more likely to gain promotions and achieve higher performance evaluations. This has obvious implications in the debate on race disparity, equality of opportunity and how best to tackle the ethnicity pay gap.
That is the driving force behind Black Introvert Week (BIW), which launched during Black History Month 2021.
Unlocking the talents of all personalities will not only lead to a happier workplace but will improve employee retention, boost the bottom line, and create an agenda of inclusivity that is more than skin deep.
We aim to:
Support teachers and employers to better understand how to recognise and nurture the talents of Black introverts
Raise awareness and understanding of the value that Black introverts bring to a team or classroom
Support Black introverts to have a voice about their experiences

Featured interview
Can introverts thrive in high-profile roles? How can quiet leaders make their voices heard? What does it take to create a truly inclusive workplace for all personalities?
In this exclusive interview, Comms & Inclusion Coach and Author, Shola Kaye, and I delve into my experiences of working at places of high public attention like 10 Downing Street and Buckingham Palace and share strategies for:
Balancing introversion in demanding positions
Empowering quiet leaders to increase their visibility
Creating inclusive workplaces for diverse personalities
Personal branding and navigating social expectations as an introvert
We also tackle the complexities of intersectionality, offering advice for introverts navigating conversations dominated by extroverts, and address the challenges of aligning communication styles in the workplace.

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